Tonight I went to a local store, Ollie's, in search of a coffee table. I recently got a couch and recliner, but there are a few things still missing in my living room. One of which is...a coffee table.
Cheap coffee table hunting was a bust. BUT, I did see some furniture on sale and had to take a look. 90% off!?! EVEN BETTER. I strolled over to the massive heap of boxes and started to take a look. I'm not sure there was much to look at since none of the boxes had pictures and I was unsure of what "clear thru desk" and "center hutch top" meant, but I kept looking. I may have embarrassed myself a bit by actually climbing though the pile of boxes, but it was totally worth it.
I finally came upon a box labeled...
It was 3 dollars! That's right folks, THREE!
This is where my mother's instincts kicked in. Did I NEED a mail room hutch? no. Did I even know what a mail room hutch was? not really. BUT, it was only THREE DOLLARS!
I brought it home and assembled it, and it was what I thought...a mail room hutch.
Thanks, Mom!
That is pretty dang sweet! Excellent find!
You must take me to this place!!!!
This made me chuckle out loud at work.
I think you need some bowling shoes for that fine hutch of yours.
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